Entry by Brenda Mullen

Flat Fee MLS Service


Hi all,

I just ran acros a flat fee MLS service that seems to provide (for a flat fee), something like we are doing and I was wondering at the difference.  They have different packages, but the one I am referring to is their $599 fee that provides everything, to include full service.  The website is www.whymls.com .  I read their full service menu and it seems to me, that we, as ACRE's, would provide more personalized service, but I am curious to find out what other's think.  Thanks in advance for any input :).



Brenda, at first glance, I can tell you that the major difference between what they do and what we do is that it appears that their offering consist of functionary or administrative type tasks (lock box, site exposure) while we stress fiduciary counsel and representation.

While they do offer help with paperwork, it seems like it's more for FSBO's who want exposure on the MLS but are left on their own to do what a professional does best - in the important areas of negotiation, and oversight of the transaction.

I see the flat fee packages for thier more functionary and administrative, but it seems they help, (somewhat) with negotiation and oversight (limited), with their $599 package.  I would want to point out the major differences in fiduciary counsel that I would provide for my clients than perhaps they provide. 

While we (the coaches) would never presume to tell ACREs what to do, I personally would never provide access to the MLS without bundling it with negotiation and troubleshooting of the transaction. I personally believe that MLS-Only companies give consumers the false impression that MLS access is the most important factor in their home selling. While MLS access is important (although becoming less so as other sites lessen the MLS's value), the most important service to hire a professional for is not a few minutes of typing but rather counsel, guidance, and representation. It's a HUGE point of difference.

I know the broker personally. Jack does a good job and fills a niche in the market. It's not full service though.


Oh, I am sure he is a great person.  In no way am I trying to put him or his business model down.  I have never had an issue with flat fee or fee for service models.  I was always under the impression that they only provided minimal service.  

When I saw his model, I thought he offered a lot for $599 but wasn't sure if what he offered could be considered what we would be doing and wanted to note the difference.  

I would have thought this model was creative before I joined ACRE…  Now that I have the ACRE Designation, I see us as a Nordstrom’s service model and the www.whymls.com  as a lesser end product and they are lowering their value as experienced Brokers.

I am sure they are terrific people and I in no way intended my comments as an insult….  I feel they could benefit from the ACRE Designation and possibly gain more revenues for their time.

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