Entry by Jose Rivera

All "ACREs" should have a copy of "The End of 6%


Mollie, I presume, that when you thought about writing the book, "The End of 6%", you were obviously thinking mainly of the general public, is that correct? Of course, you hoped the ACRE members would benefit from it too. It would sure be great, if you could put together an e-book version of the book and offer it to us, at a reasonable discount. Better yet, perhaps you could have available, one chapter of the book each month, available JUST for the ACRE members? That would be great Mollie!


The End of 6% is in ebook-version and is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble for $7.95.

Even better than that, any ACRE can get the e-book free of charge. Just email me, and I'll get it right out to you.

Lastly, several ACREs have asked me if they can get a discount on the print version to give to clients and prospects. I'm offering the End of 6% for half off ($10 per book) plus shipping and handling for any orders of 10 or more books. Any ACREs that are interested, feel free to contact me.

Mollie, I would like to request a copy of your e-book, "the end of 6%". Thank you very much.

Here is my emal address:realjoe1@live.com


Thank you so much, for sending me the ebook! I can't wait to read it.

May I have a copy of the ebook "the End of 6%" as well. My email address is bellecohenrealestate@gmail.com

Thanks, Mollie.

Here is link to YouTube Video ten minutes = End of 6%



Thanks for posting the link to the video Lester. If anyone wants more information about the book, the site is: http://endof6percent.com/.

Mollie, I finally got my Kindle and was going to purchase your book on Amazon for it, but honestly if I can get it for free, why not?  Can you send it to me please?  My Kindle address is: frazier.desireeL@Kindle.com

Thank you so much!

No problem Desiree.

I've wondered about having the book "branded" so we could give to our clients with our name attached to it.  I know there was another book out at one point that some folks did that with.  Can't remember the title of it right off the bat.  Is that a possibility?

It's a good idea Cindy, but I'm not sure how to go about that, or what the expense would be. An inexpensive solution would be to simply afix a label that says:

Compliments of:

Cindy Jones

Accredited Consultant in Real Estate®

If anyone has ideas about branding the book and how to go about it, I'm certainly open to them.

Mollie please send me the free copy of your End of 6% book. Muriel Bell

muribell@aol.com  Many thanks.

Hi Molly, can you also send me the e-book.  Thanks

Ismael Jusino


I too would like an e-book copy. Thanks.


Since Molly is no longer charging 6%, I went ahead and PAID full price for mine. Don't spend it all at once Molly! LOL!

Thanks Justin : >

This page contains a single entry by Jose Rivera published on September 13, 2011 12:37 PM.

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