Entry by Glenn Freezman

Public Relations Web


I have engaged PR Web to do daily press releases regarding Nucazza, Family Abstract and the Home Buying Evolution.  I am inviting ALL ACRES to write a press release regarding anything that shows consulting is working, gaining traction, having successes, etc.  These should be 450 words, minumum.  I will place them on the PR WEB machine so we can all get some benefits.  The ACRE link, your own link and the Nucazza link should be included.  Any questions, hit me up.


Thanks Glenn for the exposure!

Mollie, just to be clear, I am looking to EXPOSE YOUR AGENTS and ACRE, then have Nucazza come along for the ride.  I want Acre stories, not my own.  I own the media outlet, lets fill it up with news!

This page contains a single entry by Glenn Freezman published on October 19, 2011 9:43 AM.

Becoming a Broker was the previous entry in this blog.

AR Post about charging a retainer fee is the next entry in this blog.

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