February 2009 Archives

Yesterday in one of the list-serves that I belong to, a member brought up a topic which comes up all the time when prospective ACRE's contact the counsel about whether ACRE was "approved by NAR". This is what he wrote:

"Please, believe me when I say that I do not want to open a can of worms with this topic, however, I feel I need some direction from those who have gone before. Who among us has already gotten their Ecobroker designation? I am confused by the fact that NAR seems to be headed off in their own direction with a separate designation when EcoB. Seems to have been the leader in this area. I want to share and participate in a process in which I feel strongly, however, I have neither the time or money to be duplicating efforts here. I don't believe I have seen this before...dueling designations. Guidance from above please..."

This was my response:

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