February 2011 Archives

Hello I will be meeting with my broker to go over the ACRE program and to discuss if I can use a fee based payment method. His assistant asked that I draft a simple one page letter explaining what ACRE is and why we should change our way of doing busines. I have attached a copy of my letter below for review before I submit it to my broker, he is asking for it on Monday so any response before that would be great.

Mollie, I am interested to hear more about your experiences offering services to FSBOs who had found a buyer for their home. I want to know more about how you packaged this and how you charged for it. If you have already posted something about this, just point me to it, I haven't run across it yet.

Thanks! - Melinda



I was wondering what info would be good to take out to a FSBO.  I want to be able to go out to them and tell them about the different services that we can offer instead of just trying to get them to list their house with us. A lot of FSBOs dont want to use an agent, but if I can offer different services at certain prices that might open a different door for them and for us.  So I wanted to know if there was some kind of info that you can send me, or direct me too that I will be able to present to these FSBOs.

Thank you very much 

I began using Consumer Choice models when I established my relationship with RE/MAX way back in August 1, 2004. Over time, we accumulated significant experience with different approaches and what works and what doesn't; the pitfalls, potholes, roadblocks and agent/broker scourge as well as documented successes. This stuff works! I believe it IS the future for the real professionals in this business.

Where did the models come from? They were developed based on a service/consulting fee model I used for over 25 years as an executive with EDS, an IT and Business Process services provider. In fact, it is a business model I have been familiar with for longer than my career with EDS. It is based on Activity Based Costing. Here's the simple explanation:

Got my ACRE designation just days ago and already have 2 consulting appointments but I have a question.  I will be asking for a set amount up front as a non refundable deposit but as for the remaining balance (if they choose a program other than commission) I will be expecting it at settlement or 3 days before they remove their property from the market, but am concerned that makes for an open ended contract since they can keep the property on the market with no intention to sell for months or even years to delay paying the balance of my fee.  Any suggestions on how to overcome this dilemma? Would appreciate any advice on this matter but please help me soon I only have 2 days before I will need these answers. THANKS!

The End of 6% and ACRE

  1 Comment

Before I heard of the ACRE accreditation, I did see The End of 6% on Amazon while searching for books on real estate - and quickly dismissed it.  I can honestly tell you that I would have even refused to read it 6 months ago because I would have been offended by the notion that commissions are not the only way to be paid as a Real Estate Agent. 

However, thanks to the ACRE course, I can now practice as an agent with a clear conscience.  Little did I know that the philosophy behind the book and the ACRE program was in line with my own: to ask the client/customer what they want and provide it.  After the initial discomfort of potentially offending other REALTORS and possibly having to find a new brokerage, I think the consultant approach to real estate will actually make me happy.

It is liberating to discover a method for providing real estate services that allows me to be the kind of REALTOR I want to be.  Add to this the legitimacy of an organization of like-minded individuals, and the world is my oyster.

I now look forward to reading Mollie's book.

One of our newer graduates, Hafiz Mohammad, commented this morning on the challenge of getting his broker aboard the consulting model. This is a common concern amongst new ACRE agents and probably veteran ACREs who are still fighting the battle. Ironically, many of our ACRE-brokers have the similar challenge of bringing the consulting model to their agents.

We do have some good resources available to help other professionals to understand what consulting is all about - and more importantly, what it's NOT.

  1. Have them to watch our video: Intro To Consulting For Real Estate Professionals. It provides a good overview of the consulting model. 
  2. Have them read Ron's fantastic article that Hafiz commented on: Differing Views on Renumeration.
  3. Have them check out the ACRE course.

Want freedom? Try Consulting!


A recent real life incident taught me a lesson about freedom. Called to a home in an upscale neighbourhood because of a neighbour's recommendation, I met the husband and learned it was a marital separation in which his wife already moved out. Warming to my Consulting Presentation, he said his estranged wife would have to be on side as well and that she had a price in mind that would yield a certain net price. He then proposed that I do the CMA (for a fee of course) before they list the property.

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