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Mollie's on my mailing list, so when she got this email from me this morning, she asked me to post it here! Enjoy!

Dear SWS'ers,

A few months ago, I got a phone call from a fellow real estate trainer-type who had a wonderful opportunity for me.

Apparently a bunch of trainers were getting together to cross-promote each other's products. If I were to sign up, I would agree to send out a newsletter to my (precious) mailing list recommending the other participants' products. So, say, in November, I'd tell you all about Joe Schmo's FSBO-Gettin' Package, and encourage you to buy it. If you do, I get 25% of your purchase. Then in December, I'd send out another newsletter raving about Jane Schmane's SEO Program and encourage you to buy it. If you do, I get 25% of your purchase. And so on.

By being in the program, I have to agree to do this for every one of the other members of the program, whether or not I actually know anything about their product. Of course, they'll be doing the same for me.

So... I'm supposed to commit to abuse my mailing list and risk losing subscribers to promote products I know nothing about just so I can make a few bucks and help other trainers add to their mailing lists?

I think the ACRE model is perfect for introverts (I call us "Reluctant Prospectors"). Why? Oh, let me count the ways...

1. Introverts can not effectively sell their service or product unless they believe in it. If they sell real estate, they must know what they're doing and feel confident in their skill & expertise. They're not inclined to "fake it til you make it" with their precious clients. We tend to approach our real estate careers with the hearts of advisors, rather than of salespeople.

2. Introverts can (and should) trust their gut. We have good judgment and intuition, and have the natural ability to look at a specific situation and come up with a personalized solution. Isn't that what a consultant is supposed to do instead of charging Big Bucks for a boilerplate solution?

3. Introverts are not typically natural prospectors, especially if we feel our product or service is a commodity. We have a hard time approaching prospects with a canned script or off-the-shelf marketing piece. Offering an alternative business model gives us something unique to offer!

Being an introvert is not the same as being shy, and it's certainly not a criticism. As a successful introvert myself, I get tired of well-meaning extroverts telling me how "If I work at it, I can overcome my introversion," or my favorite, "An introverted salesperson - isn't that an oxymoron?"

A lot of people don't realize they're introverts - they just think there's something wrong with them when they question traditional prospecting techniques or hesitate to venture out of their comfort zones when seeking business.

I'm doing an interview today on BlogTalkRadio on the subject; if you'd like to listen in, here's the link... would love to have the moral support - this is the first time I've been interviewed on the subject!!! It's at 11:30 Eastern Time.


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